Millmerran Commerce & Progress Inc. (MCPI) is all about the PROGRESS of Millmerran.
We are a group of people, from all walks of life, who are active and excited to develop new ideas, take on projects and plan events for the community.
Support is provided in many ways to local events Australian Camp Oven Festival, Millmerran Show, The Chisholm Trail, Historical Society and Arts Council events to name some.
MCPI organizes community events- Millmerran Bush Christmas in July, Busking in Millmerran, Christmas Lights, Window and rural Mailbox Displays and Santa Drive-By.

To serve the interests of our members as an influential organisation which provides an advocacy for business and community by bringing matters of concern to the attention of the relevant government departments.
To provide an environment where people can express their views.
To contribute to a progressive community that takes pride in its achievements.

Visit www.millmerran.net.au for more information about tourism experiences in Millmerran and districts.
Domville Place
MCPI were successful in securing an Economic Development Grant to have plans drawn up for improvemets for the central park in Millmerran. The plans are awaiting council approval. Click the link below to see the plan.

MCPI keep the community informed by publishing a newsletter, the Millmerran & District News. Printed and digital copies are produced 11 months of the year. Providing an opportunity for the local community organisations, businesses, churches and classified advertisers to promote their events, meetings, business services, items for sale and public notices. This newsletter is distributed in Millmerran and the surrounds free of charge.
To advertise please see our rate card below for pricing and terms and conditions.
Advertisements are to be mailed, or emailed to millmerrannewsletter@gmail.com by 16th day OF ANY MONTH for the next months news. No newsletter is produced in JANUARY of any year.

Join Millmerran Commerce & Progress Inc. Share your ideas and help Millmerran reach its full potential. Membership is available for Individuals, Organisations and Businesses who operate or live in the Millmerran and District area.
To join us please complete a membership form using the link below.
Meetings are held mostly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Millmerran Tennis Clubhouse, 40 Commens Street, Millmerran, (next to Millmerran Indoor Sports)unless advised otherwise
Next General Meeting
General Meeting Wednesday 19th February 2025. Millmerran Tennis Clubhouse, 40 Commens Street, Millmerran,(next to Millmerran Indoor Sports). Doors open 5.30pm for a 5.45pm start.